Women Praying for Christ Ministries

It's not about us...it's about Christ

Benefit Fundraiser

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Benefit Funds Recipient – Duke Wayne Davidson - April 21, 2010

Written by Tammy Davidson, mother of Duke Wayne Davidson

Duke Wayne Davidson, 22 years old was injured on Sept 25, 2009 with a severe brain injury and someone(s) tried to kill him. He is autistic (high functioning) with cerebral palsy. He witness for the Lord to everyone. Medical Center of Plano is the third hospital for Duke and he arrived there on Nov 17, 2009. Duke has been hospitalized since Sept 25th and has been in Medical Center of Plano for 5 months now. He has not had any therapy, so he is very contracted. Please keep Duke in your daily prayers. Thank you very much Women Praying for Christ Ministries and Dr. Angela S. King. I thank God for you. You have blessed us more than you will ever know.


Hello Saints of God,

This is a generic message to all who have expressed an interest in the Benefit Funds donation. Thank you all for your information and all requests have been forwarded to me. Our board members will meet on Friday, April 9, 2010 at 7:00 pm CST. During that meeting, we will make a decision on the recipient of the benefit funds. Our next step will be to verify all information received by you. Our goal is to have this process completed and funds delivered to the recipient by April 15, 2010 or no later than April 20, 2010. The recipient's picture and information, will be posted on our website under the tab "Donations" and sub tab "Benefit Fundraisers". We have 72 requests for these funds and still counting. We praise God for the opportunity to be a blessing to the body of Christ. God is love...please show someone you care today. SPREAD GOD'S LOVE ALL OVER THIS NATION!


Our Christmas Love Through Giving – Benefit Concert & Worship Program on Dec 5, 2009 at 7:00 pm was given on behalf of Min. Virgie Lindsey. This concert was put into place to raise funds for a brain surgery needed for Min. Lindsey. Her surgery was initially scheduled for the month of November and changed to December 2009. After several re-scheduling dates for this surgery and no surgery date is scheduled at this time, we must donate these funds to another needy individual or organization.

All benefit events given or hosted by Women Praying for Christ Ministries, Praying for Christ Worship Center, Dr. Angela S. King Ministries and Powerful D.I.V.A.S. will always be used for the purpose, in which the funds are raised. We have not and will not raise funds for a particular cause and turn over cash money to an individual. We are sold out to Jesus Christ and we’ll always do the right thing with God’s money and for HIS people. We must make a decision on the donation of these funds on April 15, 2010 or no later than April 20, 2010 .

If you would like to suggest an individual or organization to receive these funds, please email the following to us before Friday, April 9, 2010 at 12:00 noon CST.

1) Name of the individual or organization. 2) Detailed description of the need(s). 3) Contact info of the individual or organization exp…email address, mailing address and telephone numbers. 4) Your contact information exp...email address, mailing address and telephone numbers.

We will make our decision on Friday, April 9, 2010 at 7:00 pm. ALL INFORMATION GIVEN, WILL BE VERIFIED. NO MEMBER OF Women Praying for Christ Ministries, Praying for Christ Worship Center, Dr. Angela S. King Ministries or Powerful D.I.V.A.S. WILL BE CONSIDERED.

Please contact us with any questions at (214) 450-7634 or publicrelations@wpfcm.org

Dr. Angela S. King, Founder/CEO


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